Common Fuel Comparison Table

Fuel Max Temperature Strengths
Acetylene 3300°F
  • Highest flame temperature. 
  • Many torch options.
  • It is not clean burning. So it cannot be used with Platinum.
  • Not readily available.
MAPP 2900°F
  • Clean burning.
  • High temperature.
  • Readily available.
  • Cylinder is small.
  • Lower flame temperature than acetylene.
Propane 2800°F
  • Clean burning.
  • High temperature.
  • Readily available.
  • Cylinder can be small.
  • Lower flame temperature than acetylene.
Natural Gas 2750°F
  • Safe and cost effective.
  • Need natural gas hookup, and professional to install.
Hydrogen 2650°F
  • Ideal for casting platinum (It is clean burning).
  • Expensive.
  • Not readily available.
Butane 1750°F
  • Readily available.
  • Portable container
  • Low temperature.

Metal Melting Points Table

Metal Symbol Melting Point Fahrenheit
Platinum Pt 3244°F
Palladium Pd 2831°F
Iron/Steel Fe
Nickel Ni 2651°F
Copper Cu 1981°F
Gold Au
Silver, Fine Ag 1761°F
Brass/Bronze 1750°F
Silver, Sterling 1640°F
Aluminum Al 1220°F
Zinc Zn 787°F
Lead Pb 621°F
Tin Sn 450°F